Wednesday 24 August 2011

Antenatal Ward!!!

Good night Bloggers

As you can see ....I am behind on my blogging.....due to unforeseen circumstances......THE HEAT!!!!! Gradually the heat seems to be draining me.....I find myself going to bed really early....and waking up tired due to the fact that in the night it is so hot that I am finding it hard to sleep......Now don't take this as me moaning.....because I'm loving the heat....but it makes me tired lol...I find myself slowly drinking more and more sugary drinks to get the sugar rush....that I desperately need to keep going.

So antenatal ward is comprised of 25 beds, and staffing is 3-4 qualified Nurse/Midwifes.Handover commenced at 7am followed by prayer for the day....which continues to make me smile. Women are accepted on this ward from 12 weeks gestation onwards. Further more the ward attends to miscarriages and inter uterine deaths. They have their own designated porter and a breastfeeding rep.
Pinards are constantly used on this ward and the women and staff relationship is close to the extent that I notice the women open up to the staff and seem very trusting towards the staff and there is a lot of humour that comes in to the care that is facilitated.
They care for women that develop problems during the antenatal period and the women that might be admitted in to hospital.
The staff were very welcoming and accommodating to me being there.
Unfortunately for me, the ward only had 6 of which was a 19 week miscarriage....and there were 7 students on shift so I did not have much to carry out. But the day in itself was productive.

Take care

Miss P xx

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