Good Morning Bloggers
I've been struggling to stay awake to blog for the past few days....Hence the scarcity of the update.....I feel that the heat seems to absorb the a result I have been drinking plenty of sugary drinks....I wonder if that is the reason the sugar intake on this island is so high???
Turned up Labour ward where I was greeted and took part in Handover.....Then prayer....Fact!!!!Just a little reminder....the whole island has a faith that surrounds the people.....They pray for the staff, the patients and the is beautiful to be a part is like a family xx
Every Labouring woman has an IV administered and eventually administered a bag of fluids.....which at first I questioned in my head....then realised that....this is a tropical country....I need a bag of IV fluids attached to me and I am not in
Once a woman is in established Labour, food and drink is not allowed, (the woman is allowed ice chips if needed) this is to avoid complications if an emergency arises i.e Emergency Caeserean section etc.
My mentor was RM/RN Williams also referred to as "Popcorn" .....She had a funny character and was very accommodating. The most noticeable fact that stands out, about all the staff in this hospital.....they all 'sing from the same hyme sheet' it's a teaching hospital and they all do exactly that.....
There is an "active labour" feel to what I observed....meaning that when a woman arrives in labour, she receives an enema (which I explained obstruction of progress) bladder care is spot on every 3-4 hours (again no obstruction of progress) ....there was one issue that I found hard to take in.....all women laid on their back or side...... yes....I'm thinking....some delay in progress....and some women have their amniotic sac ruptured by amnio hook or Kocker forceps depending if the amnio hooks have run out.This is to eliminate any signs of meconium, I noticed this procedure was carried out quite often...but before doing so the women where checked thoroughly to ensure no blot able head/high head, no cord prolapse, no reason that would contraindicate this procedure.
The midwifes almost seemed like they were covering all aspects of the labouring woman to ensure that they would see if anything deviated from the 'norm' and in turn......put the appropriate action in place.....whether that meant contacting the appropriate Doctor/paediatrician or proceeding to an emergency procedure.
The midwives are very observant and depend mainly on their observation and experience with labour....for example......they continually observe their women...taking in to account the size of women, their shoe size, their partners size and put it together with the vaginal examination to determine whether a woman has an adequate pelvis size to deliver the's all very fascinating to of the midwifes looked at a patent's abdomen without touching, and smiling she said 'you have a full bladder don't you ' the woman replied yes....experience as a midwife goes far!!!!
Fact!!!!Did I tell you that diluted savlon is used for everything????I used to love the smell of detol when I was young.....I wonder if it's because of my mothers culture......cleanliness is a big topic hear!!!!
Analgesia is given to the women in the form of Pethidine/Finnegan and the term used is 'sedation". All women are administered sedation at some point in their labour or postnatally after the baby is delivered to ensure the women have adequate rest.......sometimes it does result in babies being delivered 'flat'.....(poor agar's)....but a reversal of the drug is administered to baby and all is well.
There is one theatre on labour ward and one more that is accessible if needed.
Fact!!!!Did I tell you that I am known as 'Nelson' by and on every ward and is playing....I felt like dancing a lot of the time....he...he...
Another major noticeable factor.....There are plenty of ways that this particular hospital saves money.......Nearly everything is reused........Sterile gowns, Drapes,Suction tubing and CTG belts.....which are all washed...(sewn if needs be ) and sterilised.....Most of the staff buy their own scrubs and their own uniform......
One of the consultants greeted me and said....'Nelson......we do not clock watch' which made me laugh....(some of the people in J.a feel that us as the British culture...race around like mad people....I think we do sometimes lol)
Family Planning is situated next to the theatre and they carry out Laproscopys and Hysteroscopys using Pethidine and Dormincum (the diagnostic testing is carried out while the patient is awake???MMmmmm) another way of saving money.
The relationship between the labouring women and the midwife is one of complete trust......the midwifes are very supportive and encouraging to the women......and the women listen to what ever the midwife tells's like they surrender everything in the hospital and absorb everything they are being told...once again ...fascinating to observe......The culture is not reserved at all....when it comes to breastfeeding,'s just excepted.....the norm....I'm sure they have less sick babies and the bonding is high!!!
Babies are bathed after delivery with olive oil and water.....and sometimes put in a little nursery while mother rests.
Take care Bloggers
Miss P
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